How to become a hacker?
So you wanna know how can you train up yourself so that you can call yourself a Hacker.
Don't put much stress on your mind because this is my work to tell you where to start.Before starting please give a simple answer of one simple question.Why you want to be a hacker?
Just because............
1:You want to crack or hack email accounts of people so that you can have a image of hacker among your friends or want to learn to tweak windows xp and show it to your friend so that you can have a mastermind image?
If your answer is yes then you need not to waste your time.Just follow some important things and more by you yourself.
1:Keep patient.
2:Understand the basic of computer and networking.
3:Read as much as you can(articles on hacking,cracking,security vulnerability, etc.)websites updated with fresh contents on hacking is very useful.Darksidehackers is soon going to start a free Ethical Hacking course.
4:For your type of hacker you can use tools of the trade like Trojans,key logger,Phish makers for hacking email accounts and other persoanl information like credit cards number..
5:Don't be panic or discourage yourself if you fail one or two time.Every hacker face this problem once or twice.
6:Don't believe in every hacking tool available on net as they can pass your personal information to developers and i don't think so you feel good to be hacked.READ MY ARTICLE ON TOP 10 HACKING TOOLS.
Ok now also if you are not satisfied than and you want to be a hardcore hacker than follow these steps further.
1:Learn Programing language like Perl,Java and PHP as a core knowledge of these languages will help you in finding vulnerabilities in web applications and servers and thus helping you to hack the websites by yourself without depending on tools and vulnerability provided by others.
2:Develop a high understanding of computer system and other things related to computers.
3:Do ethical hacking course.
7:Don't loose your patience.
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