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Hack passwords by creating Phishers.

Today i'am going provide you detailed information about phishers.First of all i want to give the answers of most common questions that are revolcing in your mind related to phishing.

(1):For what these pages are used for?
These pages are generally used for hacking or stealing passowrds and other information from the victim.

(2):What is Phishing?
It is a process of making Phisihers or fake longin pages.

(3):Can you give a detailed example so that I can understand it clearly?
Ok i'am going to make you understand the philosphy of these pages in simple steps:
1:I want to steal the password of "yahoo id or any other like gamil or orkut" of a person.
2:I will create a fake login page or Phisher of "Yahoo login page" which will look similar to Yahoo's login page.
3:I will signup for a free web hosting website.(110mb.com,t35.com etc.)
4:I will upload my page(phisher) on free webhosting website.
5:I will send a link(link that will take the victim to the fake login page that I had created just) via message to victim email considering myself as a Legal officer of Yahoo.com and want to verify his account by clciking on the link that we have provided.

6:And when he will fill his username and password in the fake login page and click on signin he will be redirected to an yahoo error page and simultaneously the info he typed goes into my database using login.php file where other Victim’s have typed in their ‘Username’ and ‘Password’.

(4)How to create Phishers?
Read my article"How to create Phishers Manually"

(5)Is there is any tool to automatically create Phisher?
Yes there is like:"PhishcreateV2"

(6)Name of free webhosting Websites?
There are many out there like 110mb.com,3tp.com etc.
Note:Almost all the free webspace provider will suspend your account once a fakelogin page is found uploaded on your account within a day or two without any confirmation.

(7)Is there no free webhosting provider that allows to create Phsihers on the space they provide?
Yes there is.Read my article"FreeWebspace provider for creating fake login pages"

Ok now i think that I have cleared most of the doubts of most of yours.So go and practice.

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